Mr. 杰斐逊和我乘坐邮车去了沃本农场,2 Caversham, 的方法, 斯托, Edghill, 埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德, 伯明翰, 的Leasowes, Hagley, 斯陶尔布里奇, 伍斯特, 伍德斯托克, 布伦海姆, 牛津大学, 高Wycomb, 然后回到格罗夫纳广场.
边山和伍斯特对我们来说既好奇又有趣, 作为自由民为他们的权利而战的场景. 邻居们, appeared so ignorant and careless at 伍斯特 that I was provoked and asked, “And do Englishmen so soon forget the Ground where Liberty was fought for? 告诉你的邻居和孩子,这里是圣地, 比你们的教堂更神圣. 全英国人每年都要到这座山上朝圣一次.这句话鼓舞了他们,他们似乎很高兴. Perhaps their Aukwardness before might arise from their Uncertainty of our Senti总共 concerning the Civil Wars.
埃文河畔的斯特拉特福德 is interesting as it is the Scaene of the Birth, 莎士比亚的死亡与埋葬. Three Doors from the Inn, is the House where he was born, as small and mean, as you can conceive. They shew Us an old Wooden Chair in the Chimney Corner, where He sat. 我们按照惯例切下一个芯片. A Mulberry Tree that he planted has been cutt down, and is carefully preserved for Sale. The House where he died has been taken down and the Spot is now only Yard or Garden. 移除他骨头的人将受到诅咒, 他的墓碑上写着什么, 暗指一堆成千上万的人骨, 在教堂里暴露的谎言. There is nothing preserved of this great Genius which is worth knowing—nothing which might inform Us what Education, 什么公司, 利记APP官网手机版意外使他的思想转向了文学和戏剧. 他的名字连墓碑上都没有. An ill sculptured Head is sett up by his Wife, by the Side of his Grave in the Church. 但绘画和雕塑将被他的名声所抛弃. 他的智慧, 和华丽的, 他的品味和判断力, 他的自然知识, 人生与性格, 是不朽的.
At 伯明翰, We only walked round the Town and viewed a manufactory of 绘画s upon Paper.
绅士座位是我们见到的最高娱乐场所. 斯托、哈格利和布伦海姆是一流的. 沃本、卡弗舍姆和莱索斯都很美. 沃顿既伟大又优雅,但却被忽视了. 体系结构, 绘画, 雕像, Poetry are all employed in the Embellishment of these Residences of Greatness and Luxury. 乔布斯欠下了2.74亿英镑的国债, 合同, Salaries and Pensions in the Course of a Century might easily produce all this Magnificence. 石柱,方尖碑 &c. erected in honour of Kings, Queens and Princesses, might procure the means. 巴克斯神庙和维纳斯神庙, are quite unnecessary as Mankind have no need of artificial Incite总共, 这样的阿穆兹186总共.3 古代美德的庙宇, 英国贵族, 友谊的, 康科德和胜利, 有更高的品味吗. 我上了马。. 科巴姆斯柱高120英尺, 愉快地, 因为爵爷的名字我很熟悉, 《利记手机官网》.
Ld. 利特尔顿的座位引起了我的兴趣, 回忆他的作品, 以及壮观和美丽的场景. 教皇馆和汤普森 汤姆森的 座位,使这次旅行富有诗意. Shen-stones Leasowes is the simplest and plainest, but the most rural of all. 我从来没有见过这么小的地方,能展示出如此多样的美.
它会很长, 我希望在黎明之前, 公园, 快乐的理由, 花园和装饰农场在美国流行得如此之多. But Nature has done greater Things and furnished nobler Materials there. The Oceans, Islands, Rivers, Mountains, Valleys are all laid out upon a larger Scale.——如果以后有人出现, 来点缀崎岖壮丽的笔斯山, 他可能会有一些值得夸耀的事情, 尽管有很多情况可以更好地改善.
自从我回来4 I have been over Black Fryars Bridge to see Viny's Manufacture of Patent Wheels made of bent Timber.
维尼非常重视他的机械发明. Is loud in praise of Franklin who first suggested to him the Hint of a bent Wheel. Franklin once told me, he had seen such a Wheel in Holland, before he set Viny to work. Viny says that Franklin said to him, “Mankind are very superficial and very dastardly. They begin upon a Thing but meeting with a difficulty they fly from it, discouraged. 但他们有能力,只要他们愿意使用它们.“我,”维尼说,“给自己定个规矩,不要像别人那样做事。. 我的第一个问题是别人是怎么做的? and when I have found out, I resolve to do it, another Way, and a better Way. I take my Pipe and Smoke like a Lim-burners Kiln, and I find a Pipe is the best Aid to thinking.“这个人有天才,但天才总是同样虚荣? 它并不总是如此开放. 它有时真的很谦虚和谦卑. 但在维尼,这是非常徒劳的. His Inventions for boiling and bending his Timber, and for drilling his Irons, are very ingenious. 使一根灰棒弯曲成环所必需的力, 适用于大型车轮, 或者是一个小的, 是惊人的.5
在 MS 目前的条目只有一个简单的标题“伦敦四月”,“指示, 条目本身的内容也是如此, that it was written after the tourists had returned from their circuit from London to scenic and historic sites in Surrey, 博克斯, 雄鹿队, 和沃里克, 一直到什罗普郡的莱索斯, 再经过伍斯特和牛津回到伦敦. 巡回演出的日期已经定了 187
Julian P .做得很好. 博伊德 in his editorial notes on Jefferson's “Memorandums” taken on the tour, the entries in Jefferson's Account Book being especially helpful for that purpose (杰斐逊, 论文
, 9:374). 读者比较 JA's and Jefferson's records of this pleasure jaunt should take note that the latter began his tour two days earlier (visiting Twickenham, 汉普顿宫, 沃本农场, and other nearby points) and returned to London where he was joined by JA 4月4日, and also that Jefferson's notes have an addendum for his separate trip or trips to Moor Park, 恩菲尔德追逐, 和丘, 发生在他和 JA 一起结束了他们的旅行. They will further notice that while Jefferson mentions only those sites they visited that are dealt with in 托马斯·惠的 现代园艺观察,以描述说明1770年,伦敦, JA 决不把自己局限在著名的园林里, though he entered in the margins of his own copy of Whately's book (4th edn., 1777, in MB他和杰斐逊参观过的每个花园.
这是杰斐逊对沃本农场的一次回访, 惠桥附近, Surrey; see his Account Book, 1783–1790 (据三菱重工),分别于1786年4月3日及4日.
Contrast Jefferson's memorandum at Hagley, Lord Lyttelton's seat near 斯陶尔布里奇, 伍斯特:
“From one of these [ponds] there is a fine cascade; but it can only be occasionally, 打开水闸. This is in a small, dark, deep hollow, with recesses of stone in the banks on every side. 其中一幅画是维纳斯·普迪克, 转了半个身,好像在邀请你和她一起去休息室。”
论文, ed. 博伊德, 9:372).
The evidence is indeterminate on the exact date of the return to London. When the two friends started they did not know how far they would go. “We have seen Magnificence, Elegance and Taste enough to excite an Inclination to see more,” JA 他的妻子在白金汉村写道, 4月5日 (区域). "我们决定去伯明翰, 也许去了莱索斯家, 那样的话,我就没有见到你的荣幸了, 到星期日或星期一为止.e. 到9日或10日). From entries in Jefferson's Account Book it is clear that on the 9th they visited 布伦海姆 and 牛津大学 and came on to Tatsworth and 高Wycombe (where Jefferson paid for “ent[ertainmen]t” 10s. 10d.),这似乎表明他们在那里过夜. But he also recorded paying that day for horses as far as Uxbridge, 哪个比海威科姆离伦敦更近. 考虑到距离和停站, it is most likely that the travelers spent the night of the 9th on the road and came on to London next day.
On the 9th Jefferson also recorded in his Account Book: “received of Mr. Adams £9–9 in part towards preceding expences from our leaving London Apr. 4. 它们是关节.“后来的一个单独的说法(数据链路控制:杰弗逊文件公司,日期为8月. 1786年)更饱满;
我们旅行的全部费用 |
£35– |
16– |
9 |
1 / 2是 |
17– |
18– |
4 |
1/2 |
Mr. 亚当斯家具 |
9– |
9 |
£ 8– |
9– |
4 |
1/2 |
The date of the visit to the works of John Viney, “Timber-bender, Great Surry-Str. Blackfri (ars)”(
The Universal British Directory of Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture, 3d edn.1797年,伦敦, 1:319), 也是不确定的, 但肯定发生在4月10日至15日之间, 因为日记的下一个条目写的是后一个日期. 杰斐逊也在派对上,如果 JA was inclined to belittle Viney's bent-timber wheels because the proprietor admired both himself and Franklin too highly to suit JA杰斐逊后来出于爱国主义的理由感到愤怒. 在给St. John de cravevecoeur对Viney过程发表的声明, Jefferson recalled his visit to Viney's works and pointed out that farmers in New Jersey had long made cartwheels by bending saplings into circles and had probably learned the process from Book IV of the 《利记手机官网》,“因为我们的农民是唯一能读荷马的”(1月15日). 1787; 杰斐逊, 论文, ed. 博伊德, 11:43–45).